Date: January 31, 2021
Time: 2:53 pm  to  3:15 pm

Odysseus is the most famous returning veteran from the wars of ancient Greece. But he was a king so his experience was not typical of the ancient Greek GI Joe. The Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War, to name a couple, were major military events in ancient Greek history and they required the marshalling of thousands of men to fight on the frontlines. Many of these men died in battle, but if they didn’t, they often had to live with the disabling consequences of their wounds and injuries. This talk will be about the historical and archaeological evidence for people with disabilities during and after wars in ancient Greece. Were people with disabilities expected to contribute to the war effort? And if someone was disabled in war, what could they expect life to be like afterwards?

Dr. Debby Sneed, California State University Long Beach, has a Ph.D. in Archaeology from UCLA, M.A. in Classics from University of Colorado at Boulder, and B.A. in English and History from University of Wyoming. Her main area of research is disability and accommodation in ancient Greece. She is currently working on a book project about accommodations for physical disability in ancient Greece. Previously she has participated on archaeological projects in Greece, Italy, Ethiopia, and the American Southwest.

To register for the online lecture go to the Rye Free Reading Room.

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